Wow, it’s been a long while since I’ve done any posts here. In late 2017, we decided to drastically expand the garden. We started a bit late, but did manage to get some winter and then summer crops in. But the new areas still needed more work. So this year’s winter garden is going to be hopefully be up to what it was intended to be in the first place. The secret to our garden is lots and lots of alpaca poo! So we’ve been piling it up and it’s ready to be tilled in. In a few more weeks it will be time to start planting the winter crops!
I built a new seedling/plant stand this year so that we have good place to grow out seedlings before they go in the ground.
Our first batch of seedlings are off to a great start.
Some of the Texas Multiplier Winter Onions are in the ground and the winter peas are planted.